Sell Your Life

Insurance Policy

for Cash

We are here to help you get the

most money for your policy

Sell Your Life Insurance

Policy for


We are here to help

you get the

most money for your policy

Sell your life insurance policy through

a life settlement

Policyowners frequently outgrow the usefulness of their life insurance. Many believe their only options are to let the policy lapse or surrender it to the insurance company.

The truth is that you can turn your policy into cash with a life settlement. When you sell a life insurance policy, you can even keep a portion of your policy’s coverage without having to make future premium payments.

Through a life settlement a life insurance policyholder can sell their policy to a third party buyer for a lump-sum cash payment that is more than the cash surrender value, but less than the death benefit. Once the life settlement process is complete, the third party buyer becomes the policyowner and pays premiums to keep the policy in force until the original owner dies — at which point, the third party collects the death benefit.

Who Qualifies for a Life Settlement?

  • You are 65 years or older (Younger policyowners may qualify if other factors are met)

  • You have a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more

  • Whole Life, Term Life, Universal Life... are policies that may qualify

  • You had a change in health (You may qualify if you’ve experienced a decline in health since you first purchased your policy.)

Why Should I Sell My Life Insurance Policy Through A Life Settlement?

Maybe you’re a retiree who’s feeling overwhelmed by ongoing healthcare costs or a sudden financial emergency, or perhaps you’d just like some additional funds for retirement living expenses.

Financial needs change over time, and this includes your life insurance policy. You may find that the policy you relied on as a security blanket earlier in life is no longer needed, or maybe it’s become too expensive to maintain in retirement. Either way, selling your policy through a life insurance settlement will yield more money than you’d get by lapsing or surrendering it.

Here are the most common reasons people pursue the life settlement option:


The policy is too expensive to maintain

If your insurance premiums have become too expensive and you can no longer afford to maintain your policy, a life settlement allows you to recoup value as opposed to lapsing and getting nothing or surrendering and receiving a smaller amount.


You no longer need life insurance

Life insurance is most commonly used as a means to provide financial security for dependents such as a spouse or children in the unexpected occurrence of your death, but once you reach a certain age or financial security it may not make sense to maintain the policy anymore.


You need funds for an unexpected expense

If you encounter an unexpected expense and urgently need money, a life insurance settlement enables you to cash out your policy early to provide financial relief. Even if you don’t have an urgent expense right now, you can sell your policy and set up an emergency savings account just in case one ever occurs in the future.


You want additional money to fund retirement

The economy is constantly changing and during retirement, many people find that they’ll need more money than they originally saved for. Rather than go back to work, lean on family members for support, or reduce your quality of living in your golden years — the life settlement option enables you to pay for living expenses and make the most of retirement by going on vacation or other activities.


Your term policy will expire soon

If you have a term policy that is expiring soon, you’ll need to decide whether you want to maintain coverage at a higher cost, get a new policy, or if you no longer want any coverage. If you choose the latter, you may be able to convert your term policy into permanent insurance and then sell it through a life settlement to recoup some of your money.

how does this Work?

Similar to selling a home, a person with a life insurance policy can take advantage of their asset and be financially rewarded before the maturity date. Viatical settlements and whole life insurance settlements that provide cash settlements for life insurance policyholders are considered the same as transactions for private property.

The 1911 case made it available for a policyholder to transfer their life settlement to a Life Settlement Company in order to benefit from the proceeds while alive. In the 1980’s the viatical settlements market emerged. Brokers would purchase the life insurance of AIDS patients who didn’t have long to live, and wanted immediate liquidity. The patients would get a better quality of life due to their increased finances as the brokers liberated them from having to pay monthly premiums. In exchange, the brokers and policy buyers received the face value of the policy.

Now, this and terminally ill patients that need financial assistance are using viatical life settlements for the same reason.

About us

As a leading professional life settlements broker marketing firm in partnership with Life Insurance Settlements, Inc., we’ve had the opportunity to successfully assist thousands of clients sell their life insurance policies for a profitable cash settlement. Life settlements allow you to tap into the value of your policy that you did not know existed. This may allow you to plan for your family’s future, pay off any accumulated debt, and provide you with a financially fruitful retirement.

Our sterling reputation within the Life Settlement Industry allows us to maintain partnerships with a large number of funding entities; several of which are exclusive to Life Insurance Settlements, Inc.

When an agent or financial professional allows us to broker the sale of the policy we will handle all aspects of the life settlement process or work with you to effectively service your client and reduce your time and paperwork.


ACTUAL Case sTudies

$525,000 Lincoln Life – Universal Life Insurance Policy

This 74 year old man was in relatively good health when he applied with LIS. He could no longer afford his coverage and used whatever cash he had in the policy to keep the policy in force. He was simply going to let his policy lapse and receive absolutely nothing from the life insurance carrier.
LIS was able to get this client a life settlement of $45,000.

$2,000,000 Prudential – Convertible Term Insurance Policy

This 59 year old woman had a convertible term policy and was battling lung cancer. She made the financial decision that converting her policy and paying expensive premiums was not what she wanted to do at this stage in her life. She needed money to pay for quality healthcare and to be able to have the opportunity to enjoy her limited time with her beloved family.
LIS was able to get this client a life settlement of $1,390,000

$300,000 ING – Universal Life Insurance Policy

This 88 year old male and 87 year old female could no longer afford insurance coverage that was no longer needed. Their plan was to surrender the policy for a small cash amount. LIS was able to secure them a settlement 3 times more than their surrender amount. LIS was able to get our clients a life settlement of $240,000.

Let us help you get the max cash value from your Life Settlement

When selecting a life settlement broker, the most important thing to consider is entrusting a licensed professional that has the financial duty of representing your needs. Over the last decade, our broker partner Life Settlements Inc. has been the number one choice for thousands of policy holders, insurance agents and financial professionals for cashing out life insurance policies.


USA Life Insurance Settlements (USA-LIS) is a life settlement marketing company. USA-LIS will refer qualified policy owners to one or several licensed life settlement brokers or providers. USA-LIS will be compensated for life settlement transactions that originate on There is no guarantee that every user will receive an offer. The names of the USA-LIS users marketed as example transactions have been changed to protect the privacy of the user.

All information collected is strictly confidential and will never be shared with any third parties.

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